ANSI ISEA Abrasion Levels


21% of all injuries that required days away from work in 2020 were to the hands and arms

ANSI/ISEA 105 Abrasion testing identifies the performance characteristics of hand and arm protection products against abrasive contact. The testing standards measure how quickly a hole is formed, in PPE products such as gloves and sleeves, after repetitive contact with abrasive material. Another important aspect of this testing is that it provides a way of measuring the length of wear or how long a glove will last before it wears out. An ANSI/ISEA 105 Abrasion Performance Level of 6 indicates that a glove would potentially last twice as long as an ANSI/ISEA 105 Abrasion Level 5 glove. The result is classified on levels 0-6.

Hand Injury Rate Graphic

ANSI/ISEA 105-2023 New Icon Designation

ANSI/ISEA Icon - Abrasion

Abrasion Levels

Common industries that may utilize the ANSI/ISEA 105 Abrasion levels are listed below. Keep in mind that these are not a complete list, but only examples of gloves and sleeves that may work for these applications. You should speak to a safety professional before purchasing PPE to identify appropriate hand and arm protection for the job.

ANSI/ISEA Abrasion Levels

Abrasion Level HAZARDS
Level 1 Inspection, Painting, Food Processing
Level 2 Electronic Assembly, Pharmaceutical Use
Level 3 General Assembly, Small Parts Assembly, Automotive
Level 4 Metal Fabrication, Carpentry, Construction
Level 5 Landscaping, Brick, Stone Work, Warehouse, Mechanics
Level 6 Oil and Gas, Heavy Equipment, Mining

How Abrasion is Tested

  1. Abrasion results are obtained by testing a minimum of 5 specimens for wear resistance using a Taber abrasive wheel.
  2. The result is determined based on the average of the cycles performed before the material is worn through if coated, or once the fabric’s first thread/yarn is broken if uncoated.
  3. Levels 1-3 results are obtained using a 500-gram load. Levels 4-6 are tested using a 1000-gram load.
ANSI/ISEA 105 Abrasion Testing